Sunday, December 27, 2009

Winter Solstice Festival

Hi there...
I had a great Winter Solstice Festival this year.
Went back to my parents place to have reunion lunch, and reunion dinner at our own place at night. Also did groceries shopping at One U after lunch.

After that, met his best friend for a drink... can spot him ar?

Rushed home to have reunion dinner. After dinner, we headed straight to Jaya One to watch Xiang Sheng (crosstalk). Took some videos during the show.

Do u know the indian guy? Famous Hokkien singer in Malaysia, Mohan. He claimed that he is one of the top ten singer in Malaysia...

Sorry... I know this is a very short post...
But I am too lazy to blog...
In fact, I am tired...

Monday, December 14, 2009

On MC...

I am on MC today. At last I have time to blog!
No more "siew lai lai" life as I started working T_T. Have to wake up at 6.30am on my working days. Gosh, it has been years I never wake up that early, when was the last time? I guess it was during my secondary school time. But, okloh... Everything is back to normal now! Wake up early, sleep early, drive to work. Practising a healthy lifestyle.

What's new lately?
Got a new dog.
The black one is my dog - "baby"
The other one is my new dog - "fei zai" (fatty) - Super "big eat" (which means big eater just in case u donno)

Must "watch" them all the time, make sure they don xxx.
Two dogs is more than enough for me, I cant afford to have more!
Ooi! two of u, doing what? Stop that! Baby, go back to your cage now....

kays... that's all for today.

Monday, October 19, 2009

I am back... A new beginning...

A picture is worth a thousand words...
By looking at the below photo, u should know why I did not update my blog for almost 2 months.

Look at the groom's eyes... Thanks to his 'brothers' who attended his bachelor night. This is what he get for sleeping only 3 hours on the eve... padan muka, wuakaka...
I am waiting for my photographer to send me my photos...
Millions thanks to my photographer Darren and Ivy.
For those who attended the dinner, thank you very much!

More photos to come, stay tuned!

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Mossie Bites...

HuHuHu... T__T
To blame to weather or to blame the pest control fogging service?
Or am I too sweet :P till mossie came to me and gave me some love bites?

Monday, September 7, 2009

My first SG-KL trip by Firefly

I know I have been idle for days...
I am so busy, I don't even have time to do blog hopping!

A quick update here...
Not much words, just some photos... Enjoy!

Singapore Budget Terminal is much more better than KL's LCCT!!!
It provides free gadget charger.

Free foot massage in the waiting zone!

Killing my time by enjoying foot massage... Nice!

'Kiasi' me with mask again!

Light refreshment - Grape juice

And a muffin.

Bye Bye Singapore! Never thought of leaving SG like this (I mean by plane)...

Monday, August 31, 2009

On Training mode...

Hey guys and gals...

Josephine is super busy and a bit lazy lately.
She is on Training Mode ~ Training to be a pig at home.
Eat and sleep all day long...

Will try to update soon.

It is raining now, shall I get back to sleep now? :P

Friday, August 21, 2009

Chinese Herbs

My boss lent me a Chinese medicine book. A very good book that explain A-Z about Chinese Herbs. But, in order to take the correct Chinese herbs, you have to know what type of body you belongs to. HOT or COLD, YING or YANG, and the 5 elements of WOOD, FIRE, WATER, EARTH or METAL.

My theory:
Too much heaty food will cause pimples, sore throat and ulcers.
Too much cooling food will cause period pain.

My questions:
How do I determine my body type?
Is better to take more heaty food or cooling food?
How do I maintain a "Neutral" body type?
I always feel cold, does it mean that I have a cold body?
I always have breakouts, does it mean that my body is too heaty?

Share you thoughts here by leaving comments for this post...

Ps: I am a bit health conscious lately... Hope u guys dont mind.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

My Train Journey

Have been traveling on weekly basis for almost 3 years. It's really tiring. I think it is about time for me to take some rest. I am tired on traveling, I am tired of the "mm seh dak" feelings whenever I say goodbye to my family members and my dear. Cant afford to be apart with them anymore. Tired of facing 4 walls alone in my rented room after work, with no internet connection. Hate the feelings of eating alone, and that's the main reason why I skip breakfasts and dinners.
Buying coach and train tickets in advance is another headache for me. I have to keep track on long weekends, or school holidays and make sure that I buy the tickets 2 months in advance! This year is considered 'not so tiring' for me because I changed job, and I take the straight bus from SG to KL. 2 years before that, due to my "kiamsiap-ness", I go all the way to JB to get my express bus to KL because I can pay in Ringgit which is much much more CHEAPER! If I take a straight bus from SG to KL it will cost me $33 (around RM80), but if I take a bus from JB, it costs me about RM30 only!!! Can u see the different? RM50 different!!! I can save up to RM200 a month!!! But it takes 2 hours for me to reach Larkin (JB's bus terminal) from Singapore. I really salute myself, I cant believe I actually spending so much time on the bus and I am doing it every week!
For the past 10 months. Instead of taking a bus from KL - SG on every Sunday afternoon, I take night train now. Although it takes longer hours to reach (11 hours) compare to bus journey which is only 6 hours, I don't mind because I can sleep in the train as long as the berth is not near to the coach exit. But still have to be alert while sleeping, I got to make sure that I don't sleep like a pig because I have to take care of my belongings and my passport.
Ever since the H1N1 virus is spread in Malaysia, I have to be extra careful. Got to make sure I wear a mask when I am in the train. I don't care if people call me "kiasi". Better to be safe than sorry.

Jeng Jeng! This is me with the mask in the train... Do I look scary? lol

Long train journey, newspapers (Wan Pao) is always my travel companion.

Monday, August 17, 2009

My Sunday morning...

Had brunch with my dear in a restaurant called Macau Street.
Half-boiled eggs - A must for a body builder?
hehehe... He is not a body builder, but he is trying to gain some muscles...
Half-boiled eggs added into his diet lately...

Look at my fat arm... And my 'bread' face... T___T
I told you I gained weight right? But look what I ordered? - Spaghetti Carbonara
How to lose weight if I keep on eating fattening food?

p/s: I hope it is just angle that made me look fat...

Josephine, you need to work harder! No more fattening food pls...

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

I gained weight!

Oh no! I gained weight!
Healthier lifestyles - No coffee, have proper meals (I started taking breakfasts and dinners), and I have stopped taking icy drinks. Didn't know that I actually gained weight by practicing a healthier lifestyle! Should I stop? Should I?

Dear was saying the other day, "I am such a good example for others cos I have lost so much weight, but look at you! Look at your stomach! Aiyoh... How am I supposed to take you out and tell others that you are my spouse?"
I was so sad after I hear all these words... Why it takes only 2-3 weeks to gain weight, but it takes forever to lose weight?
Click here if you want to see my dear's before and after "gamfei" picture.

What should I do now?
Should I start taking coffee again?
Should I skipped my breakfasts and dinners again?
Wanted to go for sauna last Saturday in my Condo, but saw a "under treatment" memo in the sauna room... I think I need to start exercise! 30 minutes a day! I need to go to the gym and workout! I hope I won't see "close for maintenance" memo in the gym room. Otherwise I am going to complain! Paid maintenance fee monthly, but these cannot be used and that one out of order! What is all these?

I must control my food intake.... must eat lesser from today onwards...
I cant afford to gain more weight!

Oh ya... I need to 'replenish' my skin care products...
Should I top up what I am currently using? - Clinique 3 steps
Or should I change to Biotherm or maybe SKII?
My mama is using SKII, I feel like using it too.

So, what is your opinion?

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Long weekend - SG National day

Singapore National Day - my long weekend in KL.

Stuck it both Singapore and Malaysia customs on Friday night - Nearly 1 hour.
Then stuck in traffic jam before Simpang Renggem all the way to Machap - 2 hours and 30 minutes! Reached KL around 3.30am only!!! What a long journey for me T___T Then went to mamak to have Dosai for my dinner...

Saturday - Took mom out for breakfast, then went back home surfed net the whole afternoon. Evening - meet friends for dinner at Center Point followed by a drink in TTDI plaza. Did not enjoy the food at Pizza Uno as I was having a big ulcer and it was so painful. Oh ya, Mok joined us at TTDI plaza that night. Felt happy because this is the first time he joined my friends after years of being together. I ordered Orange juice which was more expensive than beer... T___T

Sunday - Had lunch at One-Noodles Chinese restaurant with Mok. After lunch, we walked in to a pharmacy, I got myself OralAid and Mok bought a Omron blood pressure monitor for his father. Then we went to Coffee Bean, Mok ordered Cappuccino and I had Natural New Zealand frozen yogurt for dessert - I have stopped coffee... After Mok had gone to work, I spent time with my family. Had dinner at home, and surfed net the whole night. Met Mok again at night after he finished work. We went to Puchong to visit his friends.

Monday - Woke up at 11.15am. Took mom out for breakfast. Went to the Bank and Honda to settle some issues... Had crabs for dinner, yummy! After that my papa sent me to KL Sentral to catch my train.

And that's the end of my long weekend...
Sorry guys... I donno what to blog about, and I decided not to upload food photos for some time because this is not a food blog, I am supposed to blog about my daily life...

Monday, August 3, 2009

Tian Xiang Hui Wei Steamboat - Pudu

Sorry guys... Another food post...

Celebrated my papa's birthday last week.
Went to this "Tain Siang Hei Wei" - I donno how they pin yin, maybe they follow Taiwan's dialect pronunciation.
It was the most expensive steamboat that I have tried...
RM500 for 7 adults and 3 kids... Heartache till now... T___T

This is the coupon that I bought...
Paid RM500 but get RM750 worth of coupon in return - we have already used RM500 voucher that night.

This is the soup base - herbal soup. The soup itself already cost us RM38. But I think they did not put MSG because I drank quite a lot but I did not feel thirsty after that. One good thing about the steamboat is, the soup is nice, and you do not need any dipping sauce...

RM500 for steamboat is a bit too expensive... T__T
No prawns no crabs...
Only, some fish balls, sliced meat, tofu, yam, corn (one corn costs us RM7!!!), meat balls and some noodles... They claimed this as 养生(healthy) ...

Since I still have some coupons left, will go there again - probably for the last time...

Note: 10% of service charge and drinks need to pay by cash... The vouchers only can be used for food...

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Double Awards

Thanks to Twins Mama a.k.a LiTeng for giving me the awards. Yes, the award with a 's'. Which mean not only one award, but two!

The rules for these awards are:

To accept the award, post it on your blog together with the name of the person who has granted the award and his/her blog link. Pass the award to 15 other blogs that you’ve discovered and think are great! Remember to contact the bloggers to let them know they have been chosen for this award.

So, I am passing these awards to:-

Joanna Tang
Borneo Falcon
Yan Ting
Xiao Pei
Jason Tan - The Ghost

Monday, July 27, 2009

Stop drinking coffee?

It is time to say bye bye to my daily freshly brew...

Thinking of having a cup of hot honey lemon now...

Trying to stop coffee...
I am addicted to coffee since I was 16, thanks to PMR...
Although I am addicted to it but I limit myself to drink only one cup a day - to wake me up in the morning.
It is time for me to detox... Thinking of stopping coffee for a while... I have done this before, I am sure I can do this again. Will be having headache for the first few days, but after that, it will be OK. Used to substitute coffee with HL milk, but now I substituting coffee with Milo (the one with Hi-Cal).
Hmmm... wondering what can I drink when I go to Coffee bean or Starbucks next time... I have stopped ice too, so no sunrise or frappicino for me. Hmm... Will order my all time favourite Eark Grey tea only... err... but tea contains caffeine too... hmmm...will see. Maybe only hot chocolate. Or maybe I shall also stop Coffee Bean and Starbucks yum char sessions...

Friday, July 24, 2009


Sorry guy...

I have been very busy lately! OT every night including weekends. Worked non-stop for more than 27 hours. Extremely tired and exhausted! No proper meals, no enough sleep, home sick some more ... T___T
But, thank god! It is all over now. Project done, back to normal now. Reached home around 1 a.m. yesterday night. Over slept today, but never mind, got permission to come in late today. :P

I am coming tonight!
I miss u all there...
Going to have a nice home cook food...
Going to spend time with dear...
Going to take a long long nap...
Going to eat eat eat...

This is what happened in the office during my OT nights... Thanks to Mc Delivery 24/7! We all would have died of hunger without you...

Office cleaners shakes their head when they came to clean our office...

Monday, July 20, 2009


I have been suffering from bad flu that caused by my sensitive nose like err.. once a week. And I got it again yesterday. Nearly finish the whole box of tissues! Wanted to go and see the doctor but the clinic near my office was closed, and by the time I left office, it was like 9pm, the clinic near my house was closed too (I know yesterday was Sunday, but I was working T__T). So, I went to see the doctor this morning. Was asked to wear a mask by the so called doctor's secretary or whatever because I was having flu. Okay, it is the time for me to show some social responsibility again.

I think the doctor did not recognize me. Otherwise she would have asked:" You again ar, what can I do for you today?". I have been visiting her quite often, like once every 10 days. I told her my problem, then she asked about my diet (eating habits), and my menstruation details (I was a bit shy when I answered this) and she concluded that 'maybe' I am suffering from Anemia. Why did I say 'maybe'? Because no blood test was done! How can she confirmed that I have Anemia, right? But she is a doctor, so I better listen than ignore.

Anemia - A very new word to me...
Anemia - also known as "Lack of blood" and "Low in Iron".

Got these iron tablets from the doctor.
I have not taken it yet. Got scared after I read the descriptions...
The First line:
Color stool black??? Means what? Does it means my stool will contain blood? It sounds scary to me.
The second line:
Not with milk or calcium...
I did not take it because I had fish soup for lunch, and the fish soup contained milk... :P In other words: Too kiasi

The tablets have to be taken on alternated days. hmmm...
Shall I take them or shall I just take more meat instead???

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Yong Tau Fu...

Wednesday is my Yong Tau Fu day.
Singapore Yong Tau Fu is one of my favorite food. I like it not because it can beat Ampang Yong Tay Fu (Malaysian food still taste better), I like it simply because it is not oily (it depends of what u pick, I always go for non-fried).

Price varies from place to place.
If you go to food courts in malls, it is slightly more expensive. 7 pieces of Yong Tau Fu with rice or beehoon/noodles/kuayteow is around $3.50.
But if you go to food court near HDB then it is $0.30 per piece.
As you can see from the below picture, there are so many choices. Just pick a few pieces that you like, then decide whether you want it with soup or dried. Dried means they will boil the Yong Tau Foo that u have picked, and then give it to u. After that you have to put Sweet sauce and chili sauce (Chee Cheong Fun type).

My all time favorite...
All non-fried...

I like yong tau fu with soup...
And I always opt for spring onion instead of fried onion because I dont like oily food.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Japanese SABA Bento in Bugis

Had dinner with Chloe and Iris the other day in Bugis. Both me and Chloe are Libra. From what I read from Horoscope, Libra can't make decisions and can't choose. So, it gave me and Chloe a hard time on choosing what to eat that night. This happen to us every time when we go out to have dinner. Iris ordered her all time favorite KimChii noodles from the Korean stall.

Finally we decided what we want to eat!!!
Japanese food, again...

SABA bento set. SGD$6.90 per set

Donno what tea. It tasted like coffee... T__T

Miso soup. (MSG soup T___T)

This one ok lah. If it does not taste nice, then can only blame the dressings company, not the stall.

Hmmm.... I like their rice. 'Sticky' type...

The main dish!!! SABA fish... yummy....

Dessert - watermelon

Conclusion: Okloh... $6.90, what u expect? Want better Japanese food ar? Then go to a better Japanese restaurant loh...

Monday, July 6, 2009

Addidas ambassador???

These are only some of the Addidas shower gel that I bought for my dear.
Started buying them since 2 years ago.
Never realize that I have already bought so many of them.
Used to buy like 2 bottles a month from SG and 'export' them to MY because it is cheaper in SG.

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Gifts from Telly

Got all these gifts from Telly. Telly is my Hong Kong friend, she is also my friend's wife...
Thanks Telly! I like all the gifts! Can't wait to see you again... Hope we can spend more time together during your next trip.


Shoe pad

2 of them... I really need these on my big day... Thanks!


A set of make up brush! My first make up brush set!!! Thanks!


A box of masks...

Snack from MUJI...

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Sinus attack

My sinus is attacking me again!
Just took medicine, a bit relief now but I am feeling drowsy... @_@
Just hope that I can successfully pass the checkpoint tonight...
Please don't quarantine me...
hmmm, do they provide me free food and free internet? Oh no, I am not taking my laptop with me.
No... I don't want to be quarantined.
I want to go home...
I want to see my mama...
I want to see my dear...

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

My first Sony Ericsson

I got a gift from my dear last week...

This is my first Sony Ericsson mobile and I have yet to familiar with the user interface.
But I like the sports features - The steps counter and calories counter. (I think he bought this phone because of these features, since he always complain that I am fat... T___T)
Since it is a Walkman phone, I am able to shuffle the songs when I shake the phone. Cool huh?

Thanks dear!

Monday, June 29, 2009

Happy Belated Birthday James Wong!

Sorry guys, I know I have been 'disappeared' for more than one week, but I was really busy and have no time to blog...


  • To pretend that we have forgotten about your birthday on the actual day is not easy.
  • John and I had a hard time to confirm your date of birth, because you do not have a Friendster account! But thank god u have a Facebook account! And also need to thank to my blog archive.
  • Secretly arrange a small celebration for you was even harder especially when you and Telly have no secrets between each other!
HAPPY Belated Birthday!

Hope you enjoyed the Wine that we bought! Sorry for the blur picture, I don't think I was drunk when I took this picture, maybe the "kat zat" scared me, that's why the picture came out like this...

Telly, thanks for the dumplings!

And thank for buying so many things for us...
I hope you enjoyed the dinner and the "yum yeh" session.
Looking forward to see you again...

Thursday, June 18, 2009

H1N1 flu update as of 18 June 2009


17 new confirmed case in one day!!

The total is 66 cases now...

Oh ya. I recovered from flu...
I am ok now...

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Flu flu go away...

Why do I get flu so easily?

I am having running nose now...
I think I am going to finish the whole box of tissues.
Lack of Vitamin? I take Vitamin C daily (1000mg) from GNC, and it is so expensive, but still I am getting flu... Doctor asked me to take more meat, and I did, I ate so much pork last weekend, but still *Achew....*(Sneezing)
Lack of sleep?
Too stressful?

And there are 49 H1N1 cases in SG. The worst thing is yesterday I went to the shopping mall which is next to Tan Tock Seng Hospital - Where all the patient are quarantined.

Namo Amitabha....

Flu flu go away...
I must get well soon...
At least by Friday....

Sunday, June 14, 2009


I am blogging, chatting, eating and packing at the same time...
Leaving in another 2 hours...

My family means so much to me!

Mom is preparing dinner for me, she will normally ask what I feel like eating then she will cook for me, and make sure that I will have a heavy dinner before I start my journey of heading back to SG. And she bought Lychee and durian for me today... T__T
Thanks mom!

Papa is always ready to send me here and there. Is not that I cant drive, but sometimes is just too difficult to find parking lot and too dangerous to withdraw money alone especially in KL... Snatch thieves everywhere! My dad knows that sometimes I will crave for ice cream or chocolate, he normally will buy some and put them in the fridge on Saturdays. Saturday afternoon is the time where I will make sure my mouth is occupied by something when I am staying at home. I can gain 2 kgs by just spending a weekend in KL...
Thanks pa! I will take u for a nice dinner next week! Happy father's day in advance!

My dear, he is part of my family too, at least by law. He will take me out for a good lunch followed by a good coffee every Sunday before he goes to work although Sunday is the only day he can wake up late but he insisted to wake up early to spend his time with me. As for Friday and Saturday nights he will spend his time with me after he finishes work until mid night (he finishes his work around 12am). Thanks dear! I know you are really tired after working for a long day... I love you!

Why do I still have the "mm seh dak" to leave feeling although I have been traveling in and out from Malaysia on weekly basis for almost 3 years?

Friday, June 12, 2009

"Chee yuk" day...

WARNING: The following pictures may be disturbing to some readers especially vegetarians and Muslims.

I wanna share 焖猪肉 (Braised pork) recipe today.

  • Pork Belly (Must use this one, cannot use lean meat)
  • Garlic
  • Light soya sauce
  • Thick soya sauce
  • Sugar
Step 1: Wash the Pork Belly
Step 2: Slice the pork, not too thin (about 2 cm)

Step 3: Slightly flatten the garlic

Step 4: Mix Garlic, meat, soya sauce in the pot. Turn on high until it begins to cook, then turn on low.

Step 5: Stir it every 5 minutes...
Step 6: Add in thick soya sauce and sugar
Step 7: Cook for another 15-20 minutes.

Ready to serve...