I have been suffering from bad flu that caused by my sensitive nose like err.. once a week. And I got it again yesterday. Nearly finish the whole box of tissues! Wanted to go and see the doctor but the clinic near my office was closed, and by the time I left office, it was like 9pm, the clinic near my house was closed too (I know yesterday was Sunday, but I was working T__T). So, I went to see the doctor this morning. Was asked to wear a mask by the so called doctor's secretary or whatever because I was having flu. Okay, it is the time for me to show some social responsibility again.
I think the doctor did not recognize me. Otherwise she would have asked:" You again ar, what can I do for you today?". I have been visiting her quite often, like once every 10 days. I told her my problem, then she asked about my diet (eating habits), and my menstruation details (I was a bit shy when I answered this) and she concluded that 'maybe' I am suffering from Anemia. Why did I say 'maybe'? Because no blood test was done! How can she confirmed that I have Anemia, right? But she is a doctor, so I better listen than ignore.
Anemia - A very new word to me...
Anemia - also known as "Lack of blood" and "Low in Iron".
Got these iron tablets from the doctor.
I have not taken it yet. Got scared after I read the descriptions...
The First line:
Color stool black??? Means what? Does it means my stool will contain blood? It sounds scary to me.
The second line:
Not with milk or calcium...I did not take it because I had fish soup for lunch, and the fish soup contained milk... :P In other words:
Too kiasiThe tablets have to be taken on alternated days. hmmm...
Shall I take them or shall I just take more meat instead???