Wednesday, February 17, 2010

My wedding part I

Special thanks to Ivy Tan and Darren Lim.

Thank you Telly, LT, Chloe and the rest who attended the morning session.

Thank you to all of you who attended the dinner.

Photos time! These are only part of the photos... More to come! Stay tunned!



  1. been really a while since heard from you... what a nice wedding reception. err..btw, what the two guys doing there?

  2. haha, I also want to comment on the size of the pig.

    In Singapore, we just use cans of pork. Faster and cheaper.

  3. chor masili, gar yew chien lao spotted *thumbs up*

  4. Hi Josephine..Long time never hear from you. How are you there?

    Congratulation!!U look gorgeous in the wedding gown..

  5. you look so beautiful girl!congrats again!

  6. Finally you update the photos already...I wait until my neck also long jor..hahha, when is part 2, 3 and bla bla...can't wait to see le. Bila free come out makan

  7. Oh finally you update something! Wait until my neck long long lor. Hahhaha ... thats why I never put my blog address on FB, scared the same thing happen to me. Good luck lor!

  8. congrats.... and finally u updated with those long-awaited photos....

    I'll also blog about my wedding actual day soon.... Haha

  9. congratulations josephine. it has been ages since i've last visited your blog.'s married life?? :P

  10. Hey, congrats, long time no see! Nice wedding! You and your hubby look great!

  11. i truly love your writing choice, very remarkable.
    don't give up and keep posting considering the fact that it simply just very well worth to look through it.
    looking forward to browse through way more of your content, cheers ;)

  12. Your shoe is very the nice!!! :D

  13. congratulations....long time since i heard from you, i rmb you telling me that ur husband has been working so hard to look good for your wedding..and he totally look smart and gosh, you look so gorgeous!!
    wish you guys sweet sweet forever ya^^
